The above image is labeled according to the numeric order to follow below.
Ensure your operator console is completely OFF. You will need a fresh reboot to perform these steps.
1. Turn the Operator Console “On” using the Power On button.
2. Turning the Operator Console “ON” will cause the numerical values in the four display windows across the top of the console to scroll. When these numbers stop scrolling, you are ready to proceed with the next step. (Take each step slowly and look for visual indicators mentioned in these instructions so you do not have to start over.)
3. Press the APR On/Off button to turn the APR window “ON” APR ON.
4. The APR display window should now be showing numerical values and technique selections, such as, spine, extremities, etc. (Not TXR as seen in the photo above.)
5. Press the Main ON pushbutton SLOWLY several times. The language in the display window will change with each push of the “ON” button.
6. Continue to press the “Main Power ON” button until the desired language is reached. IMPORTANT! Do this before step #7!
7. Once the desired language is chosen: Press the APR On/Off button, and TURN THE DISPLAY OFF!. The display should now show TXR (as pictured above) in the window.
8. Once the APR window shows the “TXR DISPLAY”…turn the Main Power OFF!
9. Lastly, reboot your console by turning the Main Power ON and wait for scrolling to stop. You are now ready to operate the equipment in the language you desire.